New latest Malayalam Amen, directed by Lijo Jose Pellisserry and starring Indrajith, Swathi Reddy and Fahadh Fazil among others is an experimental film and one of the most unconventional cinema in recent times. The film, that runs to 2 hours and 45 minutes does test your patience here and there!
The script of Amen could have been cut short by at least 20 minutes. Lijo has very smartly worked on the script and made sure to introduce comic situations every now and then between serious situations. This helps a great deal as the audience would not feel overburdened by the seriousness of the film.
The climax especially is extremely well executed. Though Amen has the potential to become a blockbuster, it cannot be predicted as to how the average movie goers will react to an experimental film as this! Story Amen deals out with the love tale of Soloman and Sosamma, in which Fahadh Fazil portrays the character of Soloman and Swathi Reddy plays the role of Sosamma who is a singer and part of the choir. The plot revolves around the lives of few people around an ancient church. Indrajith plays the role of Father Vincent Indrajith, Swathi Reddy, Fahadh Fazil Vattolli, the pastor of a church in a village called Kumaragiri. Script writer turned actress Natasha Sehgal plays the love interest of Indrajith. Rachana, Kalabhavan Mani, Anil Murali and Sandra Thomas form the rest of the star cast of Amen. Performances Well, when you talk about Fahadh Fazil, you don't expect anything less than a superflous performance, and that is exactly what Fahad delivers! He has proved once again that he is a brilliant actor. Telugu film actress Swathi Reddy is good too and proves her mettle in Amen. Indrajith deserves a standing ovation for his performance. He is able to get the entire audience laughing.
Verdict Watch Amen only if you enjoy watching different and experimental cinema
. Cast: Indrajith, Swathi Reddy, Fahadh Fazil, Innocent, Rachana Narayanankutty, Natasha Sehgal Director: Lijo Jose Pellisserry
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