Malayalam New Movie Red Wine, directed by Salam P and starring Mohanlal, Fahad Fazal and Asif Ali in the lead is an average thriller film which won't bore you for sure. While the first half is especially striking, the script lets you down in the second half as it gets quite boring after the intermission.
The climax in Red Wine is extremely predictable and unfortunately, though the film had a good plot, Salam Palapetty failed to execute it appropriately.
Music by Bijibal was average and the background score was extremely loud and irritating. Cinematography by Manoj Pillai was plain ordinary and so were the dialogues and screenplay. Story Red Wine is a thriller with a suspense element.
Mohanlal plays the role of Ratheesh who is an investigating officer. Fahad Fazil (Anoop) and Asif Ali (Ramesh) are strangers and have nothing in common. They share different principles and beliefs. But due to certain turn of events, both come together for a common purpose and it is Ratheesh who is the one instrumental in their encounter. Performances Fahad Fazal had the maximum screen time and he makes the best use of it. Fahad is brilliant and with every film, he proves that he has grown as an actor. Mohanlal as an investigating officer did a good job as expected. However, a superstar like Mohanlal could have been used more 'smartly'. Asif Ali is decent and does a pretty convincing job of his role. Heroines had nothing significant to do except for Mia who had a few good scenes in her kitty!
All other stars have done a good job.
. Director: Salam Palappetty Producer: AS Girish Cast: Mohanlal, Fahad Fazal, Asif Ali, Mia, Meghana Sundar Raj, Saiju Kurup, Meera Nandan
The climax in Red Wine is extremely predictable and unfortunately, though the film had a good plot, Salam Palapetty failed to execute it appropriately.
Music by Bijibal was average and the background score was extremely loud and irritating. Cinematography by Manoj Pillai was plain ordinary and so were the dialogues and screenplay. Story Red Wine is a thriller with a suspense element.
Mohanlal plays the role of Ratheesh who is an investigating officer. Fahad Fazil (Anoop) and Asif Ali (Ramesh) are strangers and have nothing in common. They share different principles and beliefs. But due to certain turn of events, both come together for a common purpose and it is Ratheesh who is the one instrumental in their encounter. Performances Fahad Fazal had the maximum screen time and he makes the best use of it. Fahad is brilliant and with every film, he proves that he has grown as an actor. Mohanlal as an investigating officer did a good job as expected. However, a superstar like Mohanlal could have been used more 'smartly'. Asif Ali is decent and does a pretty convincing job of his role. Heroines had nothing significant to do except for Mia who had a few good scenes in her kitty!
All other stars have done a good job.
. Director: Salam Palappetty Producer: AS Girish Cast: Mohanlal, Fahad Fazal, Asif Ali, Mia, Meghana Sundar Raj, Saiju Kurup, Meera Nandan
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